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350 Kalamazoo

350 Kalamazoo

350 Kalamazoo works to educate ourselves and our community about climate change.

Asylum Lake Preservation Association

Asylum Lake Preservation Association

A volunteer association dedicated to the preservation of the Asylum Lake Preserve in Kalamazoo.

Calhoun County Democratic Party

Calhoun County Democratic Party

Our mission is to support Democratic candidates working to promote values and activities of the Democratic Party in Calhoun County.

Company Name

Company Name

Short description of company

Fresh Food is Fun

Fresh Food is Fun

All members of communities should have equal access to fresh healthy food and understand the relationships between healthy eating  and justice.

Kalamazoo Area Math and Science Center

Kalamazoo Area Math and Science Center

 KAMSC is a regional enrichment center serving both public and private school districts in the counties of Kalamazoo and St. Joseph.

Kalamazoo Friends Meeting

Kalamazoo Friends Meeting

Common to all is a core belief in ‘that of God’ in every person, a belief that informs its social testimonies on non-violence, equality and integrity.

Kalamazoo Non-violent Opponents to War (KNOW)

Kalamazoo Non-violent Opponents to War (KNOW)

An group of folks who believe that our country can do better than expend our precious resources of life & treasure in seemingly endless wars.

Kalamazoo River Watershed Council

Kalamazoo River Watershed Council

Work to unite the community, government, nongovernmental organizations, and businesses in restoring and protecting the Kalamazoo River.

League of Women Voters Kalamazoo Area

League of Women Voters Kalamazoo Area

A nonpartisan organization, that encourages participation in government and influences public policy through education & advocacy.

Michigan League of Conservation Voters

Michigan League of Conservation Voters

We elect, educate and hold accountable elected officials and mobilize Michiganders to better protect the Great Lakes State.

PFC Natural Grocery & Deli

PFC Natural Grocery & Deli

We work hard to provide you with a wide selection of nutritious, wholesome foods that are free of chemicals, preservatives, and additives.

Unitarian Universalist Community Church of SW Michigan

Unitarian Universalist Community Church of SW Michigan

Unitarian Universalists are brave, curious, and compassionate thinkers and doers. We are diverse in faith, ethnicity, history and spirituality, but aligned in our desire to make a difference for the good. We have a track record of siding with love, justice, and peace.

WMU Climate Change Working Group

WMU Climate Change Working Group

An interdisciplinary group of faculty, staff, student and community volunteers dedicated to working for the urgent action needed to adapt to and mitigate global climate change.

WMU Students for a Sustainable Earth

WMU Students for a Sustainable Earth

A registered student organization that seeks to empower students into activism and environmental stewardship at WMU and the community. 

Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership

Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership

An initiative of Kalamazoo College whose mission is to develop leaders in human rights and social justice through education & capacity-building.

Audubon Society of Kalamazoo

Audubon Society of Kalamazoo

An active club with members from all birding skill levels, although many are at the beginner to intermediate levels.

Church Women United of Kalamazoo

Church Women United of Kalamazoo

A racially, culturally, theologically inclusive Christian women’s movement, celebrating unity in diversity and working for peace and justice.

Congregation of Sisters of St. Joseph, Environment and Racial Justice 

Congregation of Sisters of St. Joseph, Environment and Racial Justice 

We strive to embody a vision of all people united in one earth community of love and unity.

Home Energy Solutions

Home Energy Solutions

An experienced team led by a Licensed Mechanical Contractor.

Kalamazoo Central Earth Changers

Kalamazoo Central Earth Changers

Kalamazoo Nature Center

Kalamazoo Nature Center

The Kalamazoo Nature Center mission is to create relationships & experiences that welcome and inspire people to discover, enjoy, value, and care for nature. KNC envisions a resilient community where all people have strong interconnections with the natural world.

Kalamazoo Nonprofit Advocacy Coalition - KNAC

Kalamazoo Nonprofit Advocacy Coalition - KNAC

Repurposing buildings, revitalizing organizations and empowering individuals to alleviate poverty, eliminate discrimination, and celebrate the arts.

Kalsec, Inc.

Kalsec, Inc.

The leading global producer of natural spice and herb extracts, colors, antioxidants, and advanced hop products for the food and beverage industry.

Mariah's French Bakery

Mariah's French Bakery

A trip to Paris in every Bite!

Michigan Sustainable Business Forum

Michigan Sustainable Business Forum

Michigan’s leading organization for beyond-compliance sustainability practitioners.

Peoples Church of Kalamazoo

Peoples Church of Kalamazoo

A beloved community embracing and serving our diverse world.

Vegan Kalamazoo

Vegan Kalamazoo

Provides a supportive learning environment for those in greater Kalamazoo who are following, or interested in learning more about plant-based diets.

WMU Global Engagement Programs

WMU Global Engagement Programs

Ardea Youth Climate Coalition

Ardea Youth Climate Coalition

Youth that are interested in building their knowledge and skills for leadership in climate change advocacy.

Better World Builders

Better World Builders

Our mission is to create stewardship and energy efficiency in the buildings where we live and work.

Citizens Climate Lobby Kalamazoo Chapter

Citizens Climate Lobby Kalamazoo Chapter

A nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organization focused on  passage of a Carbon Fee and Dividend.

Down to Earth Wellbeing, LLC

Down to Earth Wellbeing, LLC

Offers effective programs and services to improve health and well-being, serving individuals and communities in Kalamazoo and the greater Michigan region.

Hope for Creation

Hope for Creation

An Interfaith Response to Climate Change in Kalamazoo and Southwest Michigan.

Kalamazoo County Democratic Party

Kalamazoo County Democratic Party

Seeks to elect Democrats to office through grassroots organizing in order to bring progressive change to our community.

Kalamazoo Neighborhood Housing Services

Kalamazoo Neighborhood Housing Services

KNHS Is part of the 240 Member NeighborWorks America organization that creates opportunities for people to live in affordable homes, improve their lives and strengthen their communities.

Kalamazoo Public Library

Kalamazoo Public Library

Larry J. Bell Center for Environmental Stewardship

Larry J. Bell Center for Environmental Stewardship

We work to infuse sustainability and environmental themes across the curriculum.

Mary Jane Underwood Stryker Center for Civic Engagement

Mary Jane Underwood Stryker Center for Civic Engagement

We engage students, faculty, and community  in sustained partnerships that foster collaborative learning and civic participation.

Natural Cycles Farm

Natural Cycles Farm

A small family farm that  feels strongly that food should be local, people should know their farmers, and that how we farm is of the utmost importance.

Two Rivers Coalition

Two Rivers Coalition

A non-profit working to protect and preserve our precious rivers and lakes and the water we drink.

W.K. Kellogg Biological Station

W.K. Kellogg Biological Station

Michigan State University’s largest off-campus education complex and one of North America’s premier inland field stations.

WMU Office for Sustainability

WMU Office for Sustainability

Our mission is to guide and assist the Western Michigan University community in fulfilling and growing its sustainability commitments.


Environment Kalamazoo

Environment Kalamazoo

Environment Kalamazoo is a group of Kalamazoo-area environmental activists concerned about a broad range of environmental issues and the interrelationships among them.

Michigan Environmental Council

Michigan Environmental Council

We lead Michigan’s environmental movement to achieve
positive change through public policy solutions.

Kalamazoo County

Kalamazoo County

A community-informed Climate Action and Climate Justice Plan at the county level is under development with residents, stakeholders, and governmental staff providing input throughout the decision-making process, supported by a grant secured by KCCC.

The Climate Mobilization

The Climate Mobilization

Building a movement of people across the United States to reclaim our future by initiating an emergency-speed, whole-society Climate Mobilization, reversing global warming and restoring a safe climate.

Michigan Climate Action Network

Michigan Climate Action Network

Connects and amplifies individuals, communities, and organizations confronting the climate crisis in Michigan and supports them in advancing equitable climate solutions with the urgency science demands.

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