Kalamazoo Climate Crisis Coalition
Climate Justice
Links to some major climate justice organizations:
The mission of the Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition (MEJC) is to achieve a clean, healthy, and safe environment for Michigan’s most vulnerable residents. The MEJC was convened in 2011 to encourage implementation of the 2010 Environmental Justice Plan created by Gov. Granholm. Since then, it has continued to advocate for disenfranchised communities facing issues such as Detroit water shutoffs and bankruptcy, the Flint Water Crisis, fast tracking of air pollution and mining permits, fracking, threats related to new and aging pipelines, and climate injustices. To address this expanding array of environmental justice issues, MEJC began growing its network and membership. Every two years MEJC hosts the Environmental Justice Summit, which brings together community members and activists from all regions of the state to learn together and support each other. MEJC also collaborates on research projects with U. of Michigan, does on-the-ground community education, and meets with federal, state and local government to move the needle on Environmental Justice.
The Equitable & Just National Climate Platform advances the goals of economic, racial, climate, and environmental justice to improve the public health and well-being of all communities, while tackling the climate crisis. Environmental justice advocates and national environmental organizations have committed to advocate this historic, bold platform that lays out our shared vision and goals, including:
A healthy climate and air quality for all
Access to reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity, water, and transportation for every community
An inclusive, just, and pollution-free energy economy with high- quality jobs
Safe, healthy communities and infrastructure
The Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) brings together racial and economic justice organizations from Indigenous Peoples, African American, Latinx, Asian Pacific Islander, and poor white communities who share legacies of racial and economic oppression and social justice organizing. With roots are in the civil rights movement, the CJA focuses on community organizing and empowerment. The CJA’s goal is to promote a just transition away from an extractive economy toward a just, equitable and regenerative economy.
The CJA operates on the principles that:
frontline, community-based organizations have solutions to counter the extractive industrial systems that are eroding human’s primary means of existence on the planet;
nature and humans are interdependent;
effective climate crisis solutions honor human rights and the rights of nature;
localized democracies that champion community rights to energy, land, water, and food sovereignty are the best answers to combating exploitation;
shared leadership produces community wellbeing and the most innovative solutions to our climate crisis;
and workers should be at the forefront of shaping new economies rooted in fairness, equity and ecological values.