Community Change
Holistic Health Homes Project
Thank you for visiting the Kalamazoo Climate Crisis Coalition website. Our online communications about the Holistic Healthy Homes Project (HHH), funded from an U.S. EPA Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Block Grant, is in process.
We are seeking 4 new full time staff to support the HHH program, rooted in KCCC’s mission to “mobilize collective action to achieve immediate and drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and rapid adoption of renewable energy through a transition grounded in social, racial, economic, and environmental justice.”
With $18.9 million from the EPA Community Change grant, the HHH Program partners with local community organizations to deliver home repairs and energy efficiency upgrades to 300 single-family housing units in the Northside, Eastside, West Douglas, and Edison neighborhoods of the City of Kalamazoo. Additionally, the HHH Program will support expansion of two green industry workforce development programs and the development of four local neighborhood centers that will allow them to function as community anchors in an emergency to provide activities and services.
Are you interested in being part of this work? Go to our Employment Opportunities page to view our postings.