This digest provides a selection of recent news articles relating to climate change and other environmental issues. Click on the title to read the full article from its original source. Who wants what at the COP27 climate change summit By Multiple Authors (Carbon Brief) Thousands of diplomats and officials from all over the world will soon arrive at the Egyptian resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh for COP27. There, they will negotiate the next steps for international climate action while also pursuing their own specific geopolitical interests. Where's the beef? How food firms are innovating to cut methane emissions By Mark Hillsdon (Reuters) In June, LOME, billed as the world’s first low-methane beef, appeared on supermarket shelves in Sweden. It was the outcome of a pilot project by biotech company Volta Greentech, Coop Sweden and food company Protos. The cows had been fed on a food supplement made from red algae, which studies had shown could reduce the methane produce by so-called cow burps by 80%. A Republican Congress Is Coming for Biden’s Climate Wins By Robinson Meyer (The Atlantic) If the looming GOP majority sabotages climate policy, its own voters will suffer. The party might do it anyway. UNEP: Meeting global climate goals now requires ‘rapid transformation of societies’ By Zeke Hausfather and Daisy Dunne (Carbon Brief) The world faces a “rapidly closing window” to meet the Paris Agreement’s goals, warns the latest “emissions gap” report from the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The report, which explores the impact of new pledges and the “gap” toward meeting the Paris targets, finds that while progress has been made in recent years to mitigate emissions and deploy more clean energy, it is insufficient to put the world on a path to limit warming to well-below 2C or to 1.5C this century. If we keep abusing nature it will collapse, taking us with it. We need a new mindset By Christiana Figueres (The Guardian) At Cop meetings in Egypt and Canada, humanity faces two doors. Door one leads to untold misery. We have no choice but to take door two About the Digest: Articles included here are selected from several organizations which consolidate climate change related news from many sources around the world. These organizations include Carbon Brief and Inside Climate News. Accessing the full articles from the links provided here may sometimes not be possible due to access restrictions of the originating publications.
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